
About Beecroft Yoga

About Raewyn

Raewyn is an experienced yoga teacher and the Director of Beecroft Yoga. Over the last 15 years she has gained a wide range of expertise grounded in inspiration from Donna Farhi and Judith Hanson Lasater.

After many years with a sore back, Raewyn came to yoga somewhat as a last resort and was delighted to find that her back problems improved remarkably with yoga practice. On the way to finding that her back was much improved, she  discovered that yoga helped her to have a quieter mind and a greater sense of well-being. Raewyn has been practising yoga for 25 years and teaching for 15+ years.

Raewyn studied at Nature Care College and completed the Diploma of Health (Yoga). She  has completed Advanced Teacher Studies with Donna Farhi. She also attends regular training with Judith Hanson Lasater, either face to face or via webinairs. 

Raewyn teaches with a high level of awareness of students and her teaching is based on attention to detail. She thinks it is important that students practice asana (poses) in a way that will reduce the possibility of injury. Because of her own back problems, she is empathic and knows that many students come to yoga seeking help with their health issues.

It would also be true to say that she really cares about the students who come to Beecroft Yoga. She is interested in their well-being and helping them to feel more flexible, stronger and alive. Many students say how much better they feel coming to yoga and what a big difference it makes to their lives. Testimonials for Beecroft Yoga say it all.


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